See also SAG Actor for daily acting posts, art lynch blog and communication professor blog for daily updates.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
SAG Nevada Newsletter Draft
August 2009 (add date to mastehead)
*Photo A (young lady headshot, larger than in past newsletters please and in color)
An interview with a working Nevada Actor
Nevada SAG Executive Director Steve Clinton interviewed one of our branches ‘working actors’ Vanessa Rachel Elgrichi. He asked her to introduce herself to those who have not met her as yet.
Hello, my name is Vanessa Rachel Elgrichi and I am 20 years old. I have been acting for as long as I could remember. My parents pushed me into acting at age 4, and ever since then I haven’t been able to stop. My parents were intense travelers when I was younger. We have lived in so many places that I have honestly never felt completely grounded until now. I was born in Seattle, Washington, but I was raised in Woodland Hills, California.
I had a unique childhood, and I say this because I don’t know what else to call it. My parents were Moroccan hippies, and fought a lot. Life was hard, and I feel that I got most of my training from observing everyday life experiences.
I grew up around a lot of interesting things that fortunately affected me in mostly good ways. I have always pushed myself to be involved in as many random activities as I could, even if I had to do them alone. As an actor it is extremely important to take note of almost every event that occurs in your lifetime because if you don’t, you will never learn anything.
How did you decide to become an actor?
I never really had the choice. When you are 4 years old and your parents are running around taking you on auditions, you don’t really have a say. You either like it or you don’t, and I loved it. Ever since I was a little kid, I spent most of my childhood watching television and movies. When I hit twelve years old, I knew that this was what I wanted to do and nothing in the world would stop me. As I grew older I learned that becoming an actress was going to be a lot harder than I wanted it to be, but I was willing to push my limits.
What is it like working on a set?
I believe that being on any set is a great privilege and it can be extremely overwhelming, but most of us would like a chance to do it. In my case, being a voyeur in my dream job and its surroundings feels very lucky and I love it.
Whether you are working as background or a principal, you are still there living in your dream.
Even if you feel inferior to the people around you, you must always carry positive energy. There will be people there that will try to bring you down, but you must know that it is not their fault. It is simply their mere insecurities, which we all carry as humans. You must always choose to embrace the insecurities within yourself, and acknowledge the wonders around you. Remember, if you don’t pay attention for one second you may be missing your opportunity.
What would you tell someone who said they wanted to act?
You must be willing to give up almost everything, your job, your friends, everything. If you truly want to get along with this journey, you must get along with yourself first. The basics on becoming an actor are that you must appreciate yourself amongst everything else. Once you become comfortable in your own skin and realize how important you are, then your dreams will become easier to achieve. Once you accomplish this, you will create levels within your life. These levels are there to show balance between work and play.
I would like to say that acting is mostly about talent, but that would be a lie. If you’re talented that’s great, because your just one-step higher than the rest, but if you’re lucky that’s even better. Don’t get involved if you aren’t as strong as you think, because it’s a tough career and it will suck the life out of you if you aren’t ready.
Why did you join SAG?
Since I started acting at such a young age, I was SAG eligible for a long time. Although I knew that I wanted to become an actress, I didn’t have the money to join yet. I’m glad that I joined later than sooner because it gave me more time to consider my options. Had I joined sooner I might have been luckier, but waiting had given me time to progress.
Have you ever regretted that decision?
I do not regret joining SAG at all. I think that it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. If you become eligible and you have the money, then I think you should join. If you have all of these things and you don’t join, then you must not be as serious as you think. Joining SAG isn’t about the money; it’s about the actor’s community. If your going to be an actor you have to know what’s going on.
The Screen Actors Guild isn’t there to hurt you; it’s there to protect you.
How would you address someone who says, "I understand but I don’t want to pass up non-union work…"
We as humans sometimes secretly try to sabotage ourselves. When we say things like this, it’s an excuse we use instead of pushing ourselves forward. If you are SAG and there are 6 Non Union jobs a week verses 3 Union jobs, you are still making the same amount of money. When you are SAG you are put at the top of the list in the acting world. You are almost always looked at first in line when it comes to television, film, and commercial productions. If you are serious about having this career then this information should be of importance to you.
Do you have any advice for your SAG brothers and sisters?
Believe in yourself and your day will come. When you want something bad enough you’re going to get it because your heart won’t let you give up so you cannot fail. Cheers to everyone who has stood and fallen, and has not yet given up. Cheers to everyone who keeps a positive state of mind and has dreams filled with hope.
Read more on the subject of being an actor in “Actors, Acting & Union” further down in this August issue of Nevada Actor.
Smaller Newseltter (Nevada Actor) Masthead
You are now and important part of communicating with members.
You are strongly encouraged to contribute to Nevada SAG communications and newsletters. Think of content concerning the industry that would interests you or others you know, and of ways you can help support and encourage unionism in Nevada. Your contribution to future newsletters is encouraged. Contributions need to go through
It seems that every time an announcement comes of changes in communication it is bad news. We have been reduced from four to two print newsletters, just as in the past we were reduced from six to four and the use of color was eliminated. Just as in past cuts, this one comes from the reality of budget cuts.
The first change you will notice is that our print newsletters will no longer be used to promote membership meetings. Be sure to pass on notice of meetings to members who do not read or check their e-mail frequently. There will also be a post card notification sent out and e-mail reminders.
Along with the reduction of print, comes an increase in the flow of electronic communication. You will be receiving six electronic newsletters and a number of special communications direct through e-mail from your union. You may have noticed more frequent e-notifications for Conservatory events. This is only the beginning as the Nevada section of the SAG Website is being upgraded and will soon contain frequently updated information and achieves for our membership.
Due to the budget and technology driven shift to electronic distribution of information, it is very important that you share these communications with members you know who do not use e-mail in their daily lives.
For production updates, Conservatory information or to reach our executive, call our information hot line at 737-8818. You are encouraged, but not required, to also allow your contact information to be made available to other guild committees. This will allow you to be up to date on events, opportunities and activities within your Nevada Branch.
For information on the Nevada Branch, including agents and casting directors, current news and achieves of past newsletters, please go to
We began this issue with a spotlight on a fellow Nevada Branch actor. Also included are updates from our elected officers and those who volunteer to be committee chairs. A first for an electronic newsletter is the announcement of those who earned two-year terms to serve on your Nevada Branch Council during this election season (in President Steve Dresslers report and again in Executive Director Steve Clinton’s column).
Please join me in requesting a return to more frequent print newsletters in the near future.
Your feedback and contributions are welcome.
-Editor: Art Lynch
*SAG Logo, Rule One version is available
Do not let a producer, or temptation, lead you astray. There is a reason when you join SAG and can proudly call yourself a professional, that you are agreeing not to violate Rule One and work non-union, under any circumstance!
“Rule One, which now states that union talent does not work nonunion, once spoke of and still echoes another statement: that union actors work with, for and are in solidarity with their fellow performers, no mater what stature or place in the industry.” Todd Amore, former SAG Directors of Organizing and Education, who spent 17 years making a living as a commercial actor, was quoted in the national Screen Actors Magazine in March, 2003, on why it is vital we stand together, as a union, and require all qualified professional performers to join our ranks.
We do not work non-union. It is stated in Rule One as printed on the back of your membership card. Read it carefully and live by it.
Take the time to read “Does it pay to join SAG” later in this newsletter.
*Photo of President Steve Dressler on file goes her
Join me in congratulating Charlie DiPinto, Scott Mirne and Arttours Weeden on their election to the Nevada SAG council, taking effect at the September membership meeting. Charlie and Arttours are returning council members, and we welcome Scott to the Nevada Branch Council. This year there were no qualified petitions, so the expense of an actual election has been saved. I encourage those who wish to join the officers and council next year to become actively involved in committees. Please feel free to contact me concerning involvement in the business of the Nevada Branch.
I would like to thank Lenny Turner for sharing his time and talent the past 4 years as a dedicated Council member. Lenny decided not to run this time around, he wanted to give someone else the opportunity to serve. Lenny will still be available to serve the needs of the Branch volunteering for committees or wherever needed.
Las Vegas has experienced some production activity since the new TV/Theatrical & Commercial Contracts were recently ratified by the Membership. Thank you to those who made it possible by your “yes” vote. Those productions were: “Get Him To The Greek”, “Up In The Air”, “Somewhere”, “CSI”, and “Percy Jackson & The Olympians”.
There is a SAG local ultra-low budget featured film scheduled to shoot in September. “Red Herring” will have open audition August 6,7, & 8. For more information go to and click on “Casting”.
There are some productions that have requested paperwork but are not yet signatory to the SAG agreement. Please check the Hotline at 702-737-8818 for more information.
There were non-union commercials and films that have come and gone. As I mentioned in the last newsletter, please do not work these productions. We are family and if you work, not only is it in violation to Global Rule One (subject to disciplinary action), it is also a violation to your brothers and sisters within the Guild who make sacrifices. In essence you are only hurting yourself. E.g., a national non-union commercial will buy you out for say $600.00 a day. Maybe you work 4 days…equals $2400.00. With a union contract you would make $592.20 a day but the residuals may bring you 10, 20, maybe up to $40,000.00 in a year. So why sell yourself for less?
I understand these are hard times. There are many starving actors who receive an income from other forms of work. If you depend on “acting” for your livelihood then you need to be where there is much more work available to you. Let us be strong and stay true to our understanding and love of solidarity. Remember, what you do today you will reap tomorrow, in the positive or the negative.
The Organizing and Legislative Committees are still asking for help. Please contact me at and let me know if you are interested.
We will be having our Semi-Annual Membership Meeting on Sunday September 20, 2009 at the Tropicana Hotel. From 1-2pm will be a social, and from 2-5pm will be the meeting. This will be for Nevada Branch members only.
In solidarity,
Steve Dressler
Nevada Branch President
Headshot Charlie DiPinto (optional)
This question comes up frequently and below are some financial facts which makes a good argument for SAG membership. Times are tough and times are tough for everyone, we all need the money. It is a personal decision one must make to become a member.
My decision came after many auditions where I waited so long to be seen, I began to believe my time was worthless. Having to wait for months to be paid for my work and having work more by chasing my money down was another issue. Being treated as sub-human by wardrobe, assistant directors, directors on the set began to stink. Standing for hours, no water, lousy food are things I don't miss. I got angry and tired and in leiu of being angry and tired I got smart and decided to make an investment in ME.
Good luck to all of you in your work, and please remember, "We teach people how to treat us."
-Charlie Di Pinto, chair Nevada Organizing Committee
Photo of Lennie Turner, labeled so people will not think it is Steve Clinton
Outgoing SAG Council Member Leonard Turner
Leonard Turner
I have not known Lenny Turner long, but from the first conversation I had with him prior to my arrival in Nevada he has demonstrated a warmth and humor that I find most engaging. Lenny joined the Guild in 1983 in LA, moving to the Nevada Branch in 1996. Brother Turner joined the Branch Council in 2005, and liked the rest of the current and past Council members served the Nevada Branch membership for no personal gain and to the best of his abilities. Leonard Turner ends his service to the Branch in September of this year, and deserves the thanks of the Nevada membership for his voluntary service to his brothers and sisters. Please take a moment to thank Lenny when you see him on set or around town.
Nevada Branch Elections
Congratulations to the Nevada Branch for a successful election season. Thirteen candidates demonstrated interest in the proceedings this year, and all of you are all to be applauded for your interest in your Union and your Branch.
I would also like to single out the Branch Nominating and Elections Committees for volunteering their time in ensuring that the 2009 Nevada Branch Election cycle was above board and met all of the requirements of the SAG Constitution and the Nevada Branch Rules of Procedure.
Finally, kudos to returning Council members Arttours Weeden and Charles Di Pinto, and new Council member Scott Mirne for the sacrifice you make in your lives in the voluntary service you donate to your Brothers and Sisters in Nevada SAG.
Welcome to SAG members who have transferred into Nevada Branch since the last newsletter:
Ania Zalewski; Michael McNabb; Tiffani Holland; Mark Anthony Genrty; Mark Kubiak; Jonathan Gentry; Fara Eve Soleil; Gary Crutcher; Sonny Klein; Elisa Dease; Thomas E. Stramat; Marcelino A. Deliger; Jorg Bierekoven; Douglas Robert Jackson; Sandy Eugene Scott; Marla Rea; Susan Lane; Larry Santos; Ed Anders; Curtis Lee; Dane Parker; Kevin Bleuer; Ally Holmes; Matt Hanson; Donald Arnolds, Jr.; Barry YoungBlood; Dean Welsh; Hunter Tylo; Nanci Meek; Stasea Rosenblum; Sheri Rosenblum; Donald Barnhard, Jr.; John Thomas Barnett; Debora Denise Loeb; Jerra Stewart; Kim Sarubbi; Edward Bogdanowicz; Trina D. Johnson; Mary Denise McClain; Leigh Zimmerman; Christa Daniel; Maureen O’Connor; Rosemary Sketchley; Debbie Greg; Susan Beaubian; Carla Moon; Mike Kennedy; Artie Lee Anderson; Natalie Summerlin; Benjamin C. Robertson
And New Member:
Sean Patrick Flaherty
Welcome all!
In Solidarity:
Steven Clinton, Nevada SAG Executive Director
*Photo C* shows Kim Renee as Wonder Woman (print small)
Next to it print Photo B* with Kim, a man and a woman, and statue
Do what you can to make the two photos look good and accessible
A night in Paramount for the Taurus Awards
By Kim Renee
After going to the hairdresser's and the makeup people, and getting that super special dress, for a super special night, can’t forget my camera. Off I go with my friend and youngest daughter Vittoria to the best party of the year the Taurus Awards.
Since I am a stuntwoman of many years and many films, I look forward to seeing all my peers and fellow stunt players there. Our job is one of many ups and down's We work hard to make the Actor look like a super hero never to be seen as the who does the job Many actors claim they do all their own stunts and the general population should believe it but as actor's we know that stunt people do the stunts and this party honors the stunt people for the hard difficult job they do and they are voted on to get the winners of the Taurus award
The Taurus that I am holding with my daughter is a copy. I held a real one a few years back.
Stunt players have a foundation that helps injured stunt people and their families which has done allot to help many please check out the website they have for more photos and information on the foundation and the awards.
2 years ago they honored woman in stunts and I along with many others filled the stage to great applause. So many jobs are out there for the guy's, but the women do need their time too.
Wonderwoman was my first show and boy the stunts I did on that show were really far out! I met many of my friends on that show. We had a good time with real challenges to do the stunts that we did. I have enjoyed my years as a stuntwoman and would have it no other way. I hope I go till I'm 90! My mentor Bob Yerkes, who is in his 70's. He was one of the 4 cardinals’, the one who was burned and hung, in “Angles and Demons.” He gives me motivation that I can go on forever.
The man in this photo is Conrad Palmisano, who has done more films than you can imagine. The girl is Barbie Klein a stuntwoman who has shown me the greatest kindness and love in the biz. She took me to meet co-coordinators and told them to hire me.
Look for a stunt clinic that the conservatory will hold in the future so you can learn about the stunt world.
Kim Rene is a long time member and officer of the Nevada SAG Council, and a founding member of the Nevada SAG Conservatory, serves on the National Stunt and Safety Committee as well as on the National Young Performers Committee.
Graphically improve, reformat and dress up the membership meeting header please…
Mark Your Calendars
SAG Nevada Branch Membership Meeting
Meeting limited to Nevada Branch Members of the Guild
Sunday September 20, 2009
Tropicana Hotel
1 to 2 PM mixer,
2 to 4 PM membership meeting
Join us to welcome your new Nevada Branch Council members
*Traditional Actors Mask image if available
By Art Lynch
Being an actor is perhaps one of the most difficult ways to actually make a living. While there are actors who have forged full time careers in theater, commercials and convention work in cities coast to coast, the vast majority of work lies in Hollywood and New York City.
It may take one or several hundred non-paid auditions to land one day's work. An actor may work dozens of days a year or none at all. Then too, there are the expensive classes necessary to keep up their skills; the cost of professional photographs, video and audiotape, of postage and time spent marketing themselves to potential employers.
Nevada Conservatory favorite Paul Napier, whose credits include portraying the original Mr. Goodwrench, and who remains active on both the SAG and AFTRA boards of directors, tells of his children being asked by their teacher what their father did for a living. Their response was “audition”.
Casting Director and producer Donn Finn, a recent guest of the Nevada SAG Conservatory, says of actors, “They are not acting for a living, they are acting for their craft. What they are doing for a living, besides waiting tables and taking 'day jobs', is auditioning. You might as well call them auditioners”. Finn went on to point out that each actor "should think of themselves as their own little corporation," and part of the requirements to be a successful corporation is to join and participate in one or more professional actors unions. Finn is a casting partner in the office of Mali Finn Casting and is a professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at California State University in Fullerton. Recent casting credits include: Eight Mile, Phonebooth, Titanic, LA Confidential, Wonder Boys, Avatar and The Matrix I, II, and III.
Longtime SAG Board member Joe Ruskin, whose career includes appearances on the original "Star Trek" and many other television and film projects, states that, “Actors live in fear of rejection each and every day. If they are successful they fear it will end, if they are struggling they fear they will have to do something else for a living and give up a very important part of themselves”.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provide this description of the profession of acting:
Acting demands patience and total commitment, because there are often long periods of unemployment between jobs. While under contract, actors are frequently required to work long hours and travel. For stage actors, flawless performances require tedious memorizing of lines and repetitive rehearsals, and in television, actors must deliver a good performance with very little preparation. Actors need stamina to withstand hours under hot lights, heavy costumes and make-up, physically demanding tasks, long, irregular schedules, and the adverse weather and living conditions that may exist on location shoots. And actors face the constant anxiety of intermittent employment and regular rejections when auditioning for work. Yet in spite of these discouragements, the “passion to play,” as Shakespeare called it, still motivates many to make acting a professional career.
Actors need to consider not only membership in one union, or even all performance unions, but also the overall market place in which they compete. There are estimates of four to as many as ten times that number of qualified non-union actors available in the same talent pool. Many times that number consider themselves “actors” and are free to compete for roles in the overall talent marketing. The standing joke in Los Angeles is that every waiter, store clerk, cop or even doctor is really an actor waiting for their break, writers who have yet to have scripts purchased or producers looking for financing.
Actors make judgments and can be called on the carpet when they voice their opinions or present their art in ways that many in the public may disagree with. This is the nature of art, to mirror, to reflect, to comment on and to challenge the world around us.
When on the set the hours are usually long, schedule less than ideal and locations uncomfortable and sometime dangerous. Depending on the production team, actors can be made to feel like cattle or like kings and queens. The environment changes from one job to the next.
And then there is the lack of work. Mel Gibson, already a star, did not sleep the evening prior to the start of the filming of Lethal Weapon because of apprehension at not having been on a set for well over a year.
Actors may classify themselves as a social group, or into smaller sub-sets based on the specifics of how often they perform as actors (full time, part time, occasional, "wanna-be," community theater, hobbyist, has been).
By virtue of the demands of the craft, of the need to study and to observe, working or long-time actors tend to be educated, articulate and well read, defying a social stereotype presented in contemporary media. Actors invest in their craft.
Acting is a key part of the larger social world of the entertainment industry, mass communications and leisure aspects of society as a whole.
Do not forget, if your quest to be an artist, that you are dependant on your fellow artists, on the other trade unionist who work in this industry and on the support of others for your own success and well being.
Keep that in mind.
*Graphic of calendar if one available, (make sure link below works – see Linda)
Who's Watching Your Calendar?
By Linda Dowell
Regional Branch Executive Director
Did you know that a talent agent has a limited window of opportunity to renegotiate use of your performance on a commercial for a rate above the scale you were originally paid? That window, calendar-wise, is between 60 and 120 days prior to the expiration of a 21-month commercial cycle, otherwise known as the Maximum Period of Use (MPU). Recently, I was contacted by a major advertising agency regarding a national campaign nearing it’s 21-month completed cycle. Sometimes ad agencies will call to double-check whether the Guild has received a copy of the letter sent by the talent agent requesting a renegotiation for the continued use of a spot. Agents who submit letters of notice to ad agencies capitalize on the leverage this gives them to increase the rate of payment for a second 21-month period. It’s to their benefit to do so, as it is to the performer whose work generates a higher pay scale.
So, why then is it that an ad agency would call me to inquire about a notice they did not receive from a talent agent? In other markets around the country, talent agents feel this process is so valuable to them that many of them send a courtesy copy to the union office to ensure there is record of their timely notice. They understand that one day too late is an opportunity lost and lost income for talent they represent.
It was discouraging to me to learn that one of our local agents failed to present timely notice and did a disservice to a member by doing so. The agent’s neglect cost the actor a raise in pay – a raise that the employer expected to be requested – and the ability for the agent to collect commission on the subsequent MPU (applicable if a franchised agent has a signed contract with an actor who was paid scale on the original employment). As I have in the past, I will remind the local franchised agents of the renegotiation process and again offer to them that the local office will maintain a file of copies of their notification letters should they choose to send one our way.
I encourage you to remind your agent of your expectations in this regard. And, even though you ask them to watch the calendar closely on your behalf, keep an eye on your paystubs, as you don’t want to miss this window of opportunity. You can learn more about the Commercials and Industrials contracts in the Q&A provided here.
*Photo National Board Member Art Lynch
Art Lynch
Even if you're on the right track you'll get run over if you just sit there."
- Will Rogers
We need to continue to move forward as a branch, attracting as many new members as we can, working together to build work opportunities under contract, to demonstrate the professionalism that is union talent, to help each other during times where work may not be easy to find and to study, practice and showcase our craft in the best possible light.
It is time to take action, to be on the right track and to keep the momentum that began with our earning the return of a Nevada based executive and potential office moving forward for the benefit of all Nevada talent and our industry.
Constant and aggressive work by the Nevada SAG officers, council, committee and membership are what keeps us one of the most active branches in the union. Our attendance at membership meetings and participation in union affairs impresses many other branches. Instead of assuming a status quo, look into how much your elected volunteer officers and fellow branch members are doing to not only stay ahead of the train, but help power its engines. Then join in, because greater numbers means even more can get done. No action is too small. Everyone can contribute in his or her own way. Help us to keep moving in you interests and the interest of every SAG member.
We also need to take the time to thank Lenny Turner and all former officers and council members who gave their time to our branch over the years. Many remain active behind the scenes or provide advice and a needed institutional memory.
I can testify to the amount of work you never see or hear about, but which has been done over the years in your best interests and for the Guild by a long list of union activist, Lenny being the most recent to “retire” form the elected service. While holding his light under a bushel, Lennie worked aggressively for background performers locally and on the National Background Committee. He served on the national seniors committee and stood up for all talent.
A proud “thank you” to all who have volunteered to serve or given of their time to the Nevada Branch and the Screen Actors Guild.
The Nevada SAG Conservatory is of value for beginners, those still growing and seasoned professionals. Many of you know that I coach actors. A change in my teaching schedule has allowed me to bring students to the Nevada SAG Conservatory. At the very least the Conservatory is a chance to use your instrument, and at the most it can be an eye opening look into the current needs and future of the industry.
Using the Conservatory to break the ice, I open this report to tout the value of the programs and committees offered though volunteers just like you, for Nevada Branch members and the Guild. The many people who asked the nominating committee to be considered for endorsement speak highly of our branches interests in its own future and growth. I would like to invite those of you who took the time to show your interests, and all of you taking the time to read this newsletter, to join in our active Guild committees and activities.
Mary Ann Hebinck and I co-chair the Legislative Committee. This is not a dry business committee, it is an opportunity to influence how well Nevada competes in the now very competitive world of production incentives, and in doing so to play an active role in generating active work and income under contract for all Screen Actors Guild members. Right-to-work and other far-reaching legislative issues are also part of the mission of the Legislative committee.
The Organizing Committee is using phone calls, “tweets” and whatever methods are available to help create an active, “get out the” members support for any and all activities that will help us to organize this market, and in doing so generate work for members.
Communications produces the newsletters, assists with e-blasts, and works to improve the ability of members to communicate with each other and be kept informed by their union and its elected representatives.
Wages and Working Conditions, under President Dressler, is currently at work on a proposed local contract to be presented to local producers, directors, advertising agencies and production companies as part of SAG’s continuous efforts to provide increased union work within Nevada.
Contact President Steve Dressler or our executive Steve Clinton to find out more about how you and become involved in the future of the Nevada Branch.
The Regional Branch Division of the Board
The Regional Branch Division of the Nation Board met in New York City to discuss current issues facing the branches and the Guild. The National Board is divided into three divisions, with Hollywood being the largest in numbers and votes. New York is second, but not by much over the Regional Division, which is made up of national board members from each of the branches outside of Hollywood and New York. Unlike the other divisions we do not have a central office and a method to communicate in person more than four times a year. We work together using teleconferences, e-mail and US Mail. The Regional Branch Division is a diverse group of individuals representing the very different and equally diverse needs of their branches, of the division and of the national membership.
Communication with and between members remains a priority, as does maintaining and increasing the amount of work under contract available outside of the production hubs of Los Angeles and New York City.
Deputy National Executive Director Pam Fair reported that there were 36 layoffs this past year, with a total of 62 positions left vacant. That represents about a ten percent reduction in SAG staff. Things are hectic with the increase workload. She spoke of a national focus on organizing commercials, and on national legislative priorities being pursued in Washington DC, as well as other issues being watched in Sacramento, New York, Florida, Michigan and Texas.
SAG supports Obama's health care reform as long as it does not harm or impact Pension and Health Plan. They also support the Employee Free Choice Act.
The Regional Branch Director Linda Dowell revealed a national target of 80% of the national contract for any local commercial agreements. The characteristics of markets may vary, but the view is that talent needs to protect our images regardless of market or circumstance.
The National Board Meeting
Following our RBD meeting, we jointly with the New York Board in their New York boardroom for a video-conference with our brothers and sisters in Hollywood, as a full National Board of Directors. Most often I participate in national business by telephone or in the Los Angeles boardroom. Every effort is made to save the Guild money in this budget tight year. Often expense is the major issue discussed by your national board, weighed against what is needed to advance union work and protect your union rights and privledges.
Yet another contract will be in your mailbox, with a “vote yes” recommendation. Please vote and return the ballot, as every vote will count. The National Board of Directors voted 95 percent to 5 percent to recommend a successor agreement to the 2006 Basic Cable Live Action Agreement, which covers dramatic television motion pictures, excluding animated television motion pictures, produced for initial exhibition on a basic cable service.
This is a time of radical and rapid change within the national union movement. SAG needs to decide what "sort of organization we are" and where we stand. We need to market SAG and unionism in the context of the twenty first century.
Our interim National Executive Director David White said simply "I and my staff are always proud to serve and sit beside you.”
He spoke of marketing and leverage within the industry. He asked for support of the AFL-CIO slate and how important it is to gaining SAG ground in working with our fellow unions in ways we need to move forward. He says the actions of the board will determine SAG's chances of being perceived as a friend and an asset.
"We are in a critical moment...our position in the labor movement, building our relationships with industry partners, casting directors, agents, managers, lawyers. We want their help to get our members work under contract...the five major unions in this industry must work together at this key time for labor."
"We must face reality without blinking. The Guild can, must, has been and shall be relevant, vibrant, alive and significant in the industry and among America's labor movement."
Despite a decrease in number of employees, inroads have been made to speed residuals.
The board authorized the Interim National Executive Director to expand the joint bargaining agreement with AFTRA under which the Commercials Contracts were negotiated to include the Industrial & Educational Contract with the 2008 Industrial & Educational Contract Negotiating Committee to serve through the next round of bargaining of the Industrial & Educational Contract.
The long-term care unit at the Motion Picture Home is being phased out for economic reasons. The National Board voted 51.74 percent to 48.26 percent to go on record as opposing the closure of the Motion Picture & Television Fund Long Term Care Facility.
This is the time to encourage qualified performers to join our union. The national board voted to postpone the automatic increase of the initiation fee for 2009. The move provides an economic incentive to new members across the country by approving a one-year remission in the standard increase to the new join fee.
“The automatic increase in initiation fees would have made the cost of joining SAG more difficult for actors across the country, particularly in this difficult economic period. This action recognizes the stark reality facing professional actors and helps to keep the possibility of membership within reach of those who wish to join,” said SAG Interim National Executive Director David White.
As your national board representative, I have been named in lawsuits filed against the guild and its directors. Several suits are in current litigation. National board members and all alternates are advised to buy indemnity insurance to serve on the Guild, or to take their own measures to protect against civil lawsuits. The Guild is not allowed under Federal Law to pay for or reimburse that investment. All Nevada SAG officers and council are elected as alternates to the National Board of Directors and encouraged to purchase such protection.
See you at the membership meeting September 20 at the Tropicana Hotel.
The branch is only as strong as its membership and our willingness to do the work professionally.
Frequently checking the Nevada Information Hot Line at 737-8818 will assist in knowing what work opportunities may be available. Of course being active with talent agents (representation has become tighter, you are not required to have an agent to submit yourself for work), keeping current in casting director files and aggressively following the industry will increase your potential to earn income and pension and health under contract.
If you have not updated your files and availability at any of our talent agencies and casting companies, please do so as files are frequently purged.
Take the time to keep your audition and performance skills current and fine-tuned.
I encourage members to consider background work as the best way to head off the flood of Taft-Hartley’s and union pay and benefits to non-union background. Make sure there will be enough SAG members willing to work to meet our quota.
Remember our numbers on the set went up with the contract you recently ratified.
Wild Streak Talent
3355 W. Spring Mountain Rd., #264
Las Vegas, NV. 89102
(702) 252-8382
(702) 252-8436 – fax
(702) 266-5500
5440 Louie Lane, #108
Reno, NV 89511
(775) 322-8187
(775) 322-0161
701 N. Green Valley Pkwy Ste 200
Henderson, Nevada 89074
Office: 702.990.3210
Fax: 702.837.3418
Remington Agency
1000 Stephanie Place, STE 4
Baskow, J & Associates
Lenz Agency
Best Agency
eNVy Model & Talent Agency
SAG 75th LOGO in full color to end newsletter
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